Evoke the wonders of Greece through the beautiful blue, white, and golden tones of ePBT Hellas! The base set uses Greek sublegends rarely seen in the community and numerous kits are available to bring the majesty of Hellas to your set up. Complete your visit with a matching deskmat, beautifully machined matching artisans from THOK and Captus (have you seen the detailing on these artisans? Amazing), and even a sturdy matching cable.
For more details on this set and the collaborations, please check out the interest thread on Geekhack.
Product Details
- PBT dye sublimated keycaps manufactured by ePBT
- Keycaps and deskmat designed by biscut
- Artisans offered by THOK and Captus
- Cable designs offered by THOK
Group Buy Details
- Group buy will run from November 20th through December 19th (ending on December 20th), EST.
- Estimated fulfillment during Q4 2022.
Vendor Proxies
Global/AS: KBDfans
US: Dangkeebs
EU: Keygem
CA: Keyspresso (You are here!)
UK: Prototypist
OCE: Daily Clack
SA: FancyCustoms
South Asia and Middle East: StacksKB
SEA: Ilumkb