Holiday Fulfillment Update

Hi everyone, 

Someone that I was in contact with in the last 48 hours has tested positive for COVID. Because I am unable to be tested for several days (because of holiday). I am going to be self-isolating, which includes NOT processing any orders. Orders will resume being packed after 10 days (per regulation standard). Expect orders to be able to go out Jan 3rd).

If you have a pickup order that has been MARKED READY, you can still pickup. I have not been to the pickup location in 3 days so that should be fine. If you have a pickup order that HAS NOT been marked ready - and for whatever reason you desperately need your items to be ready. Please contact me. I will remotely instruct people who are at the pickup location to get your order ready.

If you have been in e-mail correspondence with me regarding build services please note the following: I am willing to work on your board with the following added procedure in order to keep you safe.

Pickup / Drop off will be contactless.
I will be treating the surface with disinfectant/alcohol (of the board and case) before packing into a box. And I will hold the boxed item for 5 days (2 days above the 3 day survival time of the virus on surfaces in household conditions) before returning it to you. (This is so that any possible virus on the board will die).
The outside of the box will then be wiped down before mailing (with gloves) or handoff.
A. Chin, J. Chu, M. Perera, K. Hui, H. L. Yen, M. Chan, M. Peiris and L. Poon, “Stability of SARS-CoV-2 in different environmental conditions.,” Lancet Microbe, vol. 1, p. e10, 2020.

If you are okay with it then I will continue to work on your order over the holidays. But I can understand if you are not.
